WordPress for the next generation of content creators
- Block Templates
- Block Patterns
- Block Animations
Create pages with animations and beautiful mobile-friendly page layouts using C9 Blocks, C9 Animation, + the Twenty Twenty Theme.

Animate blocks to add subtly to your posts or pages with a few clicks.
Preview animations in real-time all right in the block editor.

Get it
INSTALL C9 Blocks right from the WordPress Admin, load in sample block templates in seconds with the Twenty Twenty One WordPress Theme or any of the four C9-powered themes with built-in block patterns!
Table | Label | Label |
We love tables | $99 | $150 |
Especially when they work | $11 | $121 |
On mobile and desktop | $99 | $999 |
Table Heading | $0 | $0 |
Table Heading | $0 | $0 |
Total | Bottom | Label |
Blocks for all types of table content, and C9 Grid blocks to help you lay it all out all smooth and buttery.
Animate any block ⬇
Core WordPress Blocks + C9 Blocks
Just download C9 Blocks Animation and you’ll see animation settings that can be triggered by scroll position or their visibility in the browser window.
Design with grids
The secret to design that feels right.
C9 Grid unlocks responsive layout freedom, edited visually with full background controls for videos, images, and mobile-specific settings.
Edit on a mobile device
Wait, what?!
That’s right, you can edit with C9 Blocks + C9 Themes, including the Official Twenty Twenty One theme, right on a mobile browser. See video.
+ Toggles
Tog One
Est ultricies integer quis auctor elit sed. Dictum at tempor commodo ullamcorper a lacus vestibulum sed. Faucibus purus in massa tempor nec feugiat nisl. Neque sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl.
Tog Two
Est ultricies integer quis auctor elit sed. Dictum at tempor commodo ullamcorper a lacus vestibulum sed. Faucibus purus in massa tempor nec feugiat nisl. Neque sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl.
Tog Three
Est ultricies integer quis auctor elit sed. Dictum at tempor commodo ullamcorper a lacus vestibulum sed. Faucibus purus in massa tempor nec feugiat nisl. Neque sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl.
+ Tabs
Tab One
Est ultricies integer quis auctor elit sed. Dictum at tempor commodo ullamcorper a lacus vestibulum sed. Faucibus purus in massa tempor nec feugiat nisl. Neque sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl.
Tab Two
Est ultricies integer quis auctor elit sed. Dictum at tempor commodo ullamcorper a lacus vestibulum sed. Faucibus purus in massa tempor nec feugiat nisl. Neque sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl.
Tab Three
Est ultricies integer quis auctor elit sed. Dictum at tempor commodo ullamcorper a lacus vestibulum sed. Faucibus purus in massa tempor nec feugiat nisl. Neque sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl.

C9 Heading Block
Remember going places?
With C9 Blocks, telling the story is visually intuitive since your only choice is to tell it from your computer alone, in sadness and solitude! Controls appear where you need them, when you need them, entirely with within the WordPress admin.
Just click on what you want to change and start editing!
See it in a two minute video with the C9 Work Theme below.
Blogs that look good with few or many posts
Blogs that look good with few or many posts
Call-to-action block: Get C9 Blocks and C9 Blocks Animation by joining our beta club for cool people